Hey! Is this where we were supposed to comment on the no fail lesson plan? I commented yesterday...but don't see anything. I think things look GREAT! NO improvements needed! I really appreciated the synonyms for creative!
Everyone should bookmark if you have not yet done so...or as I like to do "Symbaloo" this! (http://www.symbaloo.com) We only have a few days to get everyone's input on our plan before it is SET as our guideline for our projects!!
But make sure to bookmark THIS page as well so you have easy access to everyone's page during weeks 11 & 12 when we need to provide feedback to each other :)
How do you attach a pdf file? Do you have to create another page. I notice when I click on someones they take you to another page with download at the top.
Hey Heather, if you still need help on this here it is:
1. Upload your PDF using the "Insert Tools" on the right of the screen under "Images & Files"
2. Once you have the file uploaded, click on the place in your wiki where you want to file to be located.
3. Click on your file in the images and files tools section and it will automatically upload to the spot on your wiki.
4. It WILL open in a new tab so the tip I give is to edit the link so that it will open in a new window for each of use-getting back to your main page.
Let me know if you want additional prompts on this :)S
Comments (11)
Kathleen.Kinn@live.bemidjistate.edu said
at 5:53 pm on Oct 29, 2014
Hey! Is this where we were supposed to comment on the no fail lesson plan? I commented yesterday...but don't see anything. I think things look GREAT! NO improvements needed! I really appreciated the synonyms for creative!
Sheila Berg said
at 9:32 pm on Oct 29, 2014
Hi Kathy, please post on our No Fail Lesson Brainstorming Wiki: http://creativecurriculum6117.pbworks.com/w/page/87251896/Fall%202014%20No%20Fail%20Lesson%20Plan
Everyone should bookmark if you have not yet done so...or as I like to do "Symbaloo" this! (http://www.symbaloo.com) We only have a few days to get everyone's input on our plan before it is SET as our guideline for our projects!!
Sheila Berg said
at 9:32 pm on Oct 29, 2014
But make sure to bookmark THIS page as well so you have easy access to everyone's page during weeks 11 & 12 when we need to provide feedback to each other :)
Heather.Ritchie@live.bemidjistate.edu said
at 2:49 pm on Nov 18, 2014
OMG!!! I hit save on my page and everything disappeared! Can anyone help me!???
Heather.Ritchie@live.bemidjistate.edu said
at 2:52 pm on Nov 18, 2014
I found where I was able to revert to a previous version. Not sure what happened, but.... whew!
Heather.Ritchie@live.bemidjistate.edu said
at 3:15 pm on Nov 18, 2014
How do you attach a pdf file? Do you have to create another page. I notice when I click on someones they take you to another page with download at the top.
Sheila Berg said
at 2:09 pm on Nov 19, 2014
Hey Heather, if you still need help on this here it is:
1. Upload your PDF using the "Insert Tools" on the right of the screen under "Images & Files"
2. Once you have the file uploaded, click on the place in your wiki where you want to file to be located.
3. Click on your file in the images and files tools section and it will automatically upload to the spot on your wiki.
4. It WILL open in a new tab so the tip I give is to edit the link so that it will open in a new window for each of use-getting back to your main page.
Let me know if you want additional prompts on this :)S
Heather.Ritchie@live.bemidjistate.edu said
at 3:14 pm on Nov 19, 2014
Thanks Sheila!
Barbara Bridges said
at 6:00 pm on Nov 19, 2014
OK, then. this is what I am looking for at first glance. Check once more to see if you can insert more of the STUDENTS creating thoughts and actions.
James Gibbs said
at 12:13 pm on Nov 25, 2014
Ok Sounds good. Thanks.
James Gibbs said
at 12:13 pm on Nov 25, 2014
Oops. I put that comment in the wrong place.
You don't have permission to comment on this page.