The Sure-Fire, No-Fail Lesson Plan Format
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last edited
by Barbara Bridges 8 years, 4 months ago
Fall 2016 No fail Lesson Plan Template
Summer 2016 No Fail Lesson Plan Template
Fall 2015 No Fail Lesson Plan
Fall 2014 No Fail Lesson Plan
Fall 2013 No Fail Lesson Plan Menu
Fall 2012 No Fail Lesson Plan Format
Fall 2011 No Fail Menu
Sure Fire Format Summer 2011
This is JUST an EXAMPLE of the last group's No Fail Creativity Format. Our job this week is to create a lesson plan template that we can all use for any purpose. We have been brainstorming questions for the template and I think we should let the brainstorm go on a bit more. The idea here is to include questions or menu items on the template that will inspire risk-taking and creativity in our lessons. Check out the three qualities you selected from the creativity definitions in Week 8 (for example: ability, invention, divergent thinking, flight, power, cleverness, etc.). Have you contributed questions or menu items to this template that will help to foster your three qualities? If not now is the time!
Let's make this a template that will entice us all to take risks! Here is the MINIMUM format.
Barbara: Black
Linda - Italics
Carla - orange bold
Catherine - lime green
Jaci ~ purple
Jeff - blue
Elisa - pink
Mike - grey
Brent- dark red
Stacy -green
Angel - Yellow/Orange
Learner Objective
WHERE IS THE JOY? - What are we doing to make our students want to come to school, do our activities excite them?
What are the risks?
What big idea will students understand or remember? If there are supporting objectives, list here:
Guiding Questions for the lesson or unit Points for Discussion throughout unit - Essential Questions (topical and overarching)
What skills will students acquire and demonstrate as well as transfer to future learning?
Choose a medium to creatively communicate understanding
How does this match state and/or national standards?
Identify setting and characters
story sequence
Identify problem of story
Teaching points
Behavior expectations
Curriculum goals and objectives
Enduring Understandings
Language Objectives
How does what we are discussing connect to other subject areas we are studying (cross curricular apllications)
Materials Needed Select as needed
art supplies, office materials, calculators, science equipment, URL's bookmarked, software loaded, costumes, props, sound system & music, studio space, room set-up, writing prompts, journals, activity and game prompts
literature, learning station directions
supplies from student's home or any other every day item
individual dry erase boards, music, book, crayons, drawing paper
mailing list
laptop and projector
Mimeo bar WHAT IS THIS?
live insects and habitats,
Whistle, cones, equipment, jerseys, bases
Kid Pix
Discovery Education or other websites
Prezi, OneTrue Media, TokBox, Digital video editing, VoiceThread, Class or Project Facebook Page, Garage Band Program
Launch Menu Select one and elaborate
music, visuals, role playing , jokes, puzzles, quick-write, prediction, Jeopardy, anecdote, question, games, exercises, story lines, book, activity, essential questions, demonstration, present a challenge with time limit and materials, Thought/statistic or quote to ponder perhaps connected with a reflection activity, Teambuilding activity KWL Chart, photographs, connection to everyday objects/situations, tag game, everyday items, pair and share, student created assessments, Project Zero protocols, peer assessment self assessment sheets and rubrics
How will they collect new knowledge? How well was the lesson transferred? steps? performance tasks with rubric, real world application/simulations, answering comprehension questions, drawing story events, setting, characters, using new vocabulary, retelling story, exploring concepts with different learning stations, journaling, student created outcomes,what do I notice protocol, story boarding, creating scenes and acting out what they learned.Inquiry charts, 3 point approach to words, point form notes using skimming reading technique. Create an anatomically correct insect, how will I address teachable moments? How can I incorporate cross-curricular? pair share, how well they used the skill in a game, Kid Pix, Kidspiration, Discovery Education, Podcasts
Research Menu Select at least 3
University sites? Come on... get out there!
Internet, interview with an expert, reference books, movies, selected reading provided by the teacher, selected readings suggested by their peers, outside speaker, teacher lecture, experiment, primary source research, exemplars (view, read, hear or examine) Discovery Education or other site, websites, teacher's helper magazine, other teachers, music lyrics, an exhibit at or from a museum, the Oregon Trail computer game, lecure/demo's or performance by visiting artist/teacher, a field trip , Inquiry charts, Artsedge and Kennedy Center Arts in Education site, Perpich Center for Arts Education website, Project Zero at Harvard University, Google search
Outdoors/fieldwork bee keeper presentation, insect hunt at school and home, video, sports event on T.V or real life
How will they process the new knowledge? Select at least 3.
Projects, experiments, journaling, group work, games and exercises , group discussion, hypothesis/theory development, graphic organizers, KWL chart, Venn diagram, partner work, role plays, presentations, questioning, drawing, discussion, write lyrics to a song or a poem, creating a real-life prototype, What do I see, what do I feel, what do I wonder protocol, create and edit a digital movie about what they learned.
group poem/composition, songs, paragraph frames (sequential, cause/ effect, comparison contrast), think/ pair/ share activity.observation journal, life cycle visual, think pair share, demonstration of the skill, create a new game, Kid Pix, Kidspiration, Podcasts
Materials distribution/clean-up, Movement, Transitions How much can we get the students to be physically active in their learning? Could you develop a creative activity for transitions and clean up that connects to the curriculum? Could the students demonstrate parts of the lesson using dance, creative movement or acting? sing a song that relates to curriculum? Counting? Practice routine transitions often such as getting into desk groups. How will you distribute materials? Give to the students as they come into the classroom, have students hand out, or if giving materials to a group ask a question to distinguish the student that will the materials such as "The student with the most pets please come pick up the materials at the front of the room."music activity, smartboard activity, hands-on cooperative learning, games, drawing and sharing, think/ pair/ share activity, group work with a reader, recorder, and presenter.act out the life cycle transformation or different movements,sing, dress up, create sounds (buzz), give so many seconds for clean-up, helpers of the day
Assessment Menu (Students) Select at least 2
If you are going to use group work- I want to see CLEAR individual assessment protocols!
What will you see or hear when students are successful? Able to apply principles to project work, able to journal about learning, able to use words and ideas in daily work, able to assess peers work. Rubric? Exit slips? group or individual problem-solving activity, able to connect principles to other knowledge and experiences. What does learning look like? What will you observe? Do all students need to "get it" before moving on or what percentage should?, detailed drawings, correct sequencing, active in discussions, learning from failure and watching them get unstuck, group or individual sharing, two way communication, pre/ post test, self- evaluation. individual or pair creation, use correct vocabulary, able to record in math notebook? Able to complete number strips? students will be able to play a game using correct rules, students will understand the concept of the game, students will be practicing the skill at hand, checklist Individual wiki entries, journals, performance assessment, digital portfolios, e-folios,
Lesson Evaluation (Teacher) Select Any, All and more.
What worked well? What questions or gaps came up (either for teacher or students)? Think about any evolutions for the next time this lesson is given. Or maybe revolution?
Were there any unexpected outcomes or successes? Revise the lesson for the next you decide to use it.
What single bit of advice would you give someone about to teach the lesson for the first time?
Review the actual outcome of the lesson and the spirit of the lesson, see if either or both were achieved.
Feedback from students (discussion about the lesson or written feedback
What reflection methods will I use? Student survey, assessment results, teacher journaling?
Sticky notes?
Any misunderstandings? Road blocks in understanding?
When students were stuck, what got them out? Do I need to reevaluate allotted time?
What are some common misconceptions that the students had during this lesson? How could you address them?
Would I use the same materials?
Better way to do it?
What other things would I use to make the message clearer?
Any other background knowledge the students need before the lesson?
Peer review using cognitive coaching
Use more simple student feedback , allow to share projects with other classes or parents, more student driven questions and investigations
Exit cards, evaluate the speed of the lesson (fast/slow)
The Sure-Fire, No-Fail Lesson Plan Format
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Comments (2)
Barbara Bridges said
at 7:19 am on Jul 10, 2010
Hello... this is Barbara... I think I am going to put a moratorium on Power Point as one menu item... it may be used but not counted as a technology menu item. Thanks. I want you to stretch!!!
catherine.landis@st.bemidjistate.edu said
at 8:31 am on Jul 10, 2010
Do you mean that we could choose to use Power Point during any one part of our lesson, but we need to include other technology pieces as well?
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